PariSco. If you’ve ever wondered how we found our name...It is Paris and San Francisco put together in one word. The two grand cities that changed the way we look at things artistically, the way we develop our career, the way we show our passion, and the way we live our lives forever. Our goal at Patisserie PariSco is to bring a quality piece of art from both cities for you to enjoy without flying abroad.

Shizuka Louboutin was born and raised on the island of Guam. Her love for creativity and fine arts followed her throughout her college career as she majored in photography at the University of San Francisco.
Later, her passion for the culinary arts lead her to pursue pastry school and various internships in Kumamoto, Japan and Paris, France under the guidance of several world-renowned pastry chefs such as Phillipe Conticini and Christophe Michalak; allowing her to specialize in Japanese and French style pastries.
With the support of her family and her loving husband, Michael Louboutin, she was able to combine her love for pastries and her island through the creation of Patisserie PariSco on March 2013. From its humble
beginnings as a small home-based business has now flourished into a well-known family establishment, providing Guam’s community with a plethora of sweet treats and costume cakes.
Shizuka and her husband Michael continuously pursue greater heights to provide the utmost quality to their business and customers.

Michael Louboutin was born and raised in France. His curiosity and love for sweets and pastries sparked at a young age as he was continuously exposed to the
expansiveness of French delectables.
Attracted by Asian culture, Michael left his line
of civil service to pursue a livelihood learning Japanese pastry under the guidance of an up and coming Japanese pastry chef. For most of his culinary career Michael has
been self-taught through his vast experiences and connections within the pastry community in both Japan and France.
Along his journey he found the love of his life
and as a couple they continued their culinary pursuits together.
On March of 2013, he and his wife saw forth the fruition of their dream of pastries and family through
the establishment of Patisserie PasriSco. From its humble beginnings as a small home-based business has now flourished into a well-known family establishment,
providing Guam’s community with a plethora of sweet treats and costume cakes.